Truly Thirsty

July 10, 2022

Jesus visited the woman at the well and the Samaritans there because they were truly thirsty. People today are still truly thirsty for a real relationship with God, and Jesus wants US to reach them.

Truly Blind

July 17, 2022

In John 9, Jesus brought sight to a man born blind. But we find those who were truly blind were the people around him who refused to see and believe the truth and goodness of God.

Truly His Works

July 24, 2022

In John 5, Jesus healed the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. While the Pharisees complained about Jesus working to heal on the Sabbath, Jesus explained that their focus was all wrong.

Truly His

July 31, 2022

When Jesus fed the 5,000 in John 6, they wanted to make Him king - not for who He was, but because of what He gave them. Do you truly belong to Jesus, or are you simply after His blessings?