James 1 - Persevere in Trials
Sept. 3, 2023
Life is full of trials which can leave us drained of our happiness. But we can still have joy during our struggles.
James - Prayer That Works
Sept. 10, 2023
Prayer is not just an individual thing we do, but seeking the Lord as a body of believers together.
James - Faith That Works
Sept. 17, 2023
Faith is more than a logical conclusion or a feeling. It's living a life of following Jesus and doing His work.
James - Oh How That Tongue Works
Sept. 24, 2023
Though small, our tongues wield a lot of power. James urges us to exercise great wisdom in how we use it.
James - The Perfect Law Works
Oct. 1, 2023
Jesus summed up the law as loving God and loving your neighbor. James reminds us of this when he tells us to be doers of the word.
James - Sins at Work
Oct. 22, 2023
Jesus is at work in our lives, but an enemy is also working against us.
James - Choose Right, It Works
Oct. 29, 2023
Join us as Bro Doug closes out his sermon series on James.