Welcome to
Harrison Street Baptist Church
A safe place to meet Jesus
Sunday Opportunities
9:30 AM
Bible Study
Come and jump into God’s Word with classes for every age group.
We also offer nursery for children from 0-3 years old during both Bible Study and Morning Worship.
10:45 AM
Morning Worship
Join us as we worship through music, prayer, giving, and the preaching of God’s Word.
We also have a weekly children’s sermon during the service.
6:30 PM
Evening Worship
Our Evening Worship provides a more interactive sermon time with the pastor with a relaxed atmosphere.
Wednesday Night Opportunities
6:00 PM
Kids Club
Kids age 4 through 6th grade are invited to learn about Jesus through the Bible, missions, crafts, games, and snacks.
6:45 PM
Youth Group
Our youth group has a small group feel with Bible study and fellowship. Youth 7th-12th grade are welcome!
6:45 PM
Adult Prayer Service
Join us as we pray for requests submitted by members and for needs of our church, city, state, country and world.
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